We leave on Thursday to go get on this:
And we're going here: Key West
and here probably ....
on a 4 day cruise with Chad's radio station. We do it every year and it's so much fun. This year, we have a group of friends going which should make it all that much more FUN!!
CAN'T WAIT ~ hopefully will have lots to post when I get back!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Posted by
10:33 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My Dad, Kennedy and Cameron
Kennedy, Cameron and their new boots (and their $5000 build-a-bear animals)
The family -- taken with my bad boy camera on a tripod - ignore my pledge on the table ....
My Dad came down to attend the Daytona 500 this past weekend. A very special friend was able to get him tickets to the Chevrolet suite, pit passes and a pass to drive one of the drivers around the track in a new corvette during Driver Introduction -- safe to say this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Dad. He got #96 and I can't remember his name but I know he is a young guy that didn't have much to say to Dad. Not a big deal -- Dad soaked in the day and was loving every minute of it -- honestly - how many people can say they have driven a CORVETTE on the track at International Speedway at the Daytona 500!!??? I try to get pictures of the kids with Dad every chance I can. Cameron was being such a cheeseball .... as you can see by his CHEESY grin!
Chad bought Cameron new boots today -- COWBOY boots. He and Kennedy wanted to change and put on their boots (Kennedy's came from our friends The Trottis -- hers are GORGEOUS ivory snakeskin boots) and take their picture. SO I did. At the last minute, I yelled for Chad to come over so we could take a 'family' picture with my new camera on the tripod. I had been cleaning the house for a good hour, so I'm looking all shades of nasty, but I thought the picture turned out CUTE!
Posted by
4:12 PM
Decorating for Dummies ... 101
My grandmother's plates .. on Kennedy's wall in her bedroom
Another view
This is a follow up to a post I did several weeks ago. After surfing some new blogs, I was inspired to put my grandmother's china on my daughter's wall. It's up there GOOD -- no worries -- it's not coming down. Yes, Nester, I used the heel of my daughter's red sparkly dress shoe to bang in the nails! WORKED like a charm! Her room is pink/green toile design with her walls a very light LIME-Y green .... this picture does it NO justice. The candle holders were bought from ABC Catalog -- remember that place?? I distinctly remember paying $6.95 for the SET .. I'm sure I paid $7000 for shipping, but are they gorgeous or what?? SO perfect for her room, too. I have moved these jokers 4 times and they are like NEW!
SO I love the plates on the wall. It's just the perfect touch. I'm still working in there and my neighbor and I are going to start the tapestry soon. I found the rod for the tapestry at Lowe's for $3.94 (CLEARANCE!!!!) -- such a bargain. I can't wait for ya'll to see the finished product.
Posted by
4:04 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The first time I've ever been speechless .....
Trisha Yearwood pointing out Nemo and Dorie for Kennedy .. this is when I was trying to figure out what in the WORLD I was going to say, ask, etc ...
me, Kennedy and Garth Brook's wife .... JUST KIDDING ... Trisha Yearwood
Chad and Trisha
We saw this on the way home ... U + GOD = :)
We went to Sea World on Saturday so Chad could broadcast for the radio station. Every February, they do a Bud & BBQ and get all these entertainers out so you can, well, drink Bud & eat BBQ and listen to country singers. I was miserable because I was pushing around a 3 yr old in a 'too - small' stroller that wanted to know when it was HIS turn to jump in the water, who wanted to go every direction we WEREN'T going and who just was irritable from the get-go. Kennedy was pretty much a breeze -- just along for the ride. Chad was able to work it out so we could meet Trisha Yearwood ~ she was SO nice and much prettier in person. Chad had to go back to the broadcast table and left me and Kennedy to wait until it opened up. Of course, not 5 minutes after he leaves is when they decide to let us in. I was the FIRST one in ... she was just standing there and smiling and said "HEY THERE!! WELCOME!! How are you?" ... I think for the first time in my life I may have been a teeny bit starstruck. I said "Hi --- I'm Natalie Brock, I'm Chad Brock's wife" and for those of you that know me well, know I can NOT STAND to be called Chad Brock's wife . She said that she adored Chad and hoped he would make it back in time to see her. So she was showing Kennedy the fish, I'm just standing there TRYING to think of something to say and the only thing I could think of was "I'm from Georgia too" ... DOH!! DUMMY!! It was funny ... we ended up staying for 30 min or so and she was just incredibly nice. Her ring is HUGE by the way .... HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
1:44 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Look what came yesterday!
I have been looking and searching for a table of some kind to put in between my couch and leather chair. At the time, I was not one of those people that could see something 'old' and make it look shabby chic (the 'majority' style of my house) ... SO I wanted something that would last me FOR-EVAH. When I was visiting my sister over Thanksgiving, she had the prettiest round end table and I KNEW that was the missing piece. I went home to see if I could order it through our Direct Buy membership (we bought this and yes, it is completely worth it -- IF YOU USE IT!!!) ~ and I ended up saving so much money that I was able to get the matching sofa table as well. It's not in yet, but I will certainly put pictures up when it comes in. The table is by Hooker Furniture and Chad has even said 'I REALLY like that table!' -- he had it all taken out and put up by the time I got home from work yesterday! I love it's rustic look and it matches my kitchen table PERFECTLY (also by Hooker and also a total copy of my sister). As soon as I get this place DONE, I'll post a mini-home tour for those of you that refuse to go south!! Yes Kim Wheeler -- I'm talking to you -- but you have been pregnant for 25 yrs, so I'll let you slide.
Also, our friend came by and started putting up the cabinet doors for me. I have been begging for cabinet doors for quite some time. Chad is the spokesperson for a major cabinet/flooring supplier here in town, so you would think we would have it done by now ... BUT no. Anyway, Matt is a hunting buddy of Chad's, that also happens to own a cabinet shop. He was over for dinner one night with his son, McKenzie (Kennedy's future husband). After a couple glasses of wine, he agreed to make some cabinet doors for me. That was 4 mths ago .... considering we are getting this for next to nothin' ~ I didn't say much. We are on a budget (yes, I said that horrid word) and trying to pay off the last bit of this construction company debt, so I will not argue with FREE. Anyway, he couldn't finish putting them up, but at least the frames are in - they are MUCH nicer than what I thought he was going to do. WAIT UNTIL you see the doors!! OMG - I have to get some groovy beach-themed knobs. Just wanted to give a sneak peek at the play room (yes, that is a Kim Wheeler o-riginal - LOVES IT!). Yes, that is all kinds of junk in those cabinets. THAT is why I'm getting cabinet doors. It is the kids play room and Chad has 7 million movies, so I put them all in there. It is a shabby beach theme -- being that I have a boy and a girl, I had to be neutral. I love it though -- just need to get some inspiration for this one wall that is LARGE and needs to be filled!! Kim, can you please paint me a giant surfboard??? Better yet, why don't you just come on down and paint a mural on that wall -- YEAH, a mural!! Will post again when it's done!! YEE HAW!!!
PS ~ Can someone please send some sunshine?? I feel like we live in Seattle with all this RAIN!!
Posted by
4:20 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
IIIII got the funk ...
Yep ~ it has struck the Brock house. Cameron has been sick off and on for about 3 mths. He had a pretty bad ear infection and then Chad was sick but that's just because he's always sick. I NEVER get sick .... ever. Kennedy even told me "Mommy, you can't get sick ~ who will take care of us?" ... thankfully my husband is perfectly capable of taking care of the kids. Our wonderful God above kept me well yesterday long enough for me to sing at church during both services and our morning prayer ~ I began sneezing in the afternoon and told Chad that I was just really tired. I had been up since 5:45 AM for church and so I thought that might have been what it was ..... I went to bed at 9:00 and woke up off/on all night long. I finally woke up at 6:30 this morning feeling like I was on an all-nighter for 7 nights and I sound like I have been smoking Marlboro Reds for the past 15 yrs. HOPEFULLY as quick as it came on, it will go AWAY ~ I have way too much going on this weekend .... Kennedy has her first cheerleading competition on Sunday - YES, they are going to let her cheer, as the cast only goes up to her elbow and the break is far enough away from her growth plate. The ortho doctor was FANTASTIC .... and they treated Ms. Kennedy like a little princess!!
Posted by
6:54 AM
Kennedy and her best friend, Madison (This is MY best friend's daughter ~ cute huh?)
Kennedy and me in our seats (VERY good seats) AND I've decided that I need bangs
My baby .....
The one -- The ONLY --- BILLY RAY CYRUS (or Miley's Daddy as Kennedy says) ~ I took this from our seat.
Yes, we survived. After a broken arm and rushing around like a mad woman, we made it to the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Tour ~ or as I like to call it "The Let's see how much money we can make Mommy spend OUT of her budget tour" ... dinner was insanely expensive (of which we only got to eat 2 bites because of TRAFFIC) but the concert was great. I was a little surprised at how many songs Kennedy knew -- ALL OF THEM -- except Miley's cover of "I love Rock 'n Roll" in which my girlfriend Lara and I jumped up and sang! HA! It was a nice evening with GREAT friends .... and fun to spend some time with my baby girl!
Posted by
6:46 AM