Saturday, February 28, 2009
She's HERE!
Posted by
10:55 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Early Surprise
before Kennedy thinks she's coming! I'll be picking her up on Sat
morning and surprising my sweet little girl!
Posted by
11:44 AM
Just checking to see if this works! I am emailing this blog post directly to my blog and it is SUPPOSED to post!
Posted by
10:59 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Let your light shine!
I had this new chandelier in the garage - sitting there for the past 2 yrs. I didn't know what to do with it b/c it was silver. We don't have anything silver in our house. WELL, since I started blogging and reading all kinds of design blogs, I discovered a $3 can of black satin spray paint would transform this joker!
Posted by
12:40 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friend Makin' Monday
Kasey over at ALL THAT IS GOOD is hosting "Friend Makin' Monday" today! Our task is to list 10 things we love! Now, this is in NO PARTICULAR order!
1. Family -- this one is a no brainer!

2. Singing ... I love to sing, whether it be karaoke, in my car, with our church worship team .. it doesn't matter, I am ALWAYS singing.

Posted by
11:13 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
This is a small part of what my week consisted of last week ... a LOT of this!
Posted by
12:03 PM
PSA ~ Swiffer Dust and Shine
Girls --- this is the BEST. STUFF. EVER. HANDS DOWN ....
I am what you would call a cleaning product ho -- I have them all. If it's on sale, has a coupon, or whatever, I will try it. This has resulted in an accumulation of cleaning products that I do not use. It's quite embarrassing b/c I am NOT a good housekeeper -- just ask Shawn -- no wait, don't, b/c she'll tell you
I sent Chad out to buy some furniture cleaner b/c we were having a party and that's the only time I really DEEP clean -- had a coupon -- he comes back with the Swiffer Dust and Shine.
Plus it smells good!
AND NO, I'm not getting paid or any free product for mentioning this on my blog ... I probably only have 10 people reading this, so what good would it do me anyway.
Just thought I'd share b/c who doesn't love a tip for a product (I've discovered lots of things I wouldn't know about thanks to blogs that recommend products just b/c they love them) -- it cleans everything ... and shines stainless steel BEAUTIFULLY!!
Just don't let it get on your tile floors (if you have them) -- would be disastrous -- don't ask me how I know - I just do.
Happy Sunday!!
Posted by
6:52 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Can't think of a title ....
I have been so busy this week! My sis is in town from Atlanta and I have been an entertaining FOOL!
I will post pictures and a recap this weekend -- we have really had a wonderful time so far!
I have a severe case of writer's block ....
Posted by
7:50 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friend Making Monday ... or as I like to say "Friend Makin' Monday"
Kasey over at All That is Good is hosting "Friend Making Monday" ~ and I thought I would play along!
Here is my list!
This or That is the topic for this week.
1. jog or walk: walk
2. coffee or tea: Publix sweet tea
3. pepsi or coca cola: I am from Georgia, there is no such thing as Pepsi - PERIOD - I am a fountain Coke drinker
4. flats or heels: Heels ~ I LIVE in heels .... 5'8" and I feel weird in flats (unless they are flip flops_
5. fries or onion rings: fries and SPECIFICALLY HOT, Chick-fil-A fries
6. cats or dogs: I have one dog and 2 cats -- BUT I think I am more of a dog person
7. skim or whole: 2% --- I can not drink "dirty water"
8. small purses or large: whatever will hold the MOST JUNK!! HA ~ see previous post
9. van or suv: SUV!
10. winter or summer: summer --- allllll the way!
11. 1 piece bathing suit or 2: 2 pc -- love the Victoria's Secret suits (on sale of course!)
12. sit down restaurant or fast food: hmmmm, don't get out much, LOOOVE Chick-fil-A
13. McDonalds or Burger King: Booger Sling??! I don't think so -- MCDONALD'S!!
14. White Gold or Yellow: White
15. Fish or Chicken: Chicken .... if I were dying and could only eat fish, I would just die
16. Edward or Jacob: Good LAWDY - EDWARS
17. Pizza or Burger: Papa John's cheese pizza ..... but a bacon cheeseburger from Hooter's is really good too
18. apple or orange: orange
19. Spend or save: Save .... but I don't mind an occasional splurge and I tend to do it all at once
20. 1 story or 2 story house: 1 story
Posted by
3:46 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Bag Tag ...I'm IT!
I was tagged twice for this, the ever cute, Jill and then since Shawn called me out .....I'm REALLY going to do it and I hope both my readers still read my blog once I get done! HA!
Ok, here goes:
Here are the rules for the tag:
1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying today - not last weekend when you and your hubby went out to that fabulous restaurant. No cheating!!!
2. Tell us how much it cost. This is a no-judgment zone -- there will be no ridiculing or eye rolling here. And, if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I'd love to hear it.
3. Now tag some fellow bloggers and link back to this post so people know why you are posting pictures of your bag.
- 5 pins and a button from my daughter's Vacation Bible School (from last summer)
- a crap load of receipts from 3mths ago up until TODAY
- 2 programs from church + a prayer list from January 11
- my Vera Bradley zipper wallet that holds my 'all the time use cards'
- my Coach wallet that doesn't hold anything but junk
- some hair clips (I bought these yesterday on my way to church)
- a stack of credit cards (some expired), rewards cards, gift cards
- a stack of business cards
- 10 (!!!!) lipsticks/lipglosses
- lipliner x 2
- makeup sponge
- eyeshadow primer (been lookin' for that)
- a bunch of change that was at the bottom of my purse
- girly 'stuff'
- CVS card
- my Life Journal from church (awesome, awesome, awesome -- just got it)
- a receipt from my bank deposit on Friday
- hand sanitizer
- 3 lotions
- star rewards coupons for Macy's
- a thank you note I need to send my aunt + some stamps
- 4 packs of Tums Quik Dissolve -- bought these a couple weeks ago when I thought I was dying of a heart attack
- ticket from when I took Kennedy and a friend to see 'Tale of Despereaux'
- ticket from movie night with my girls on Friday
- headband + ponytail holder
- checkbook for my treasury position in one of my Leads Groups
- earrings, bracelet and ring
- Kennedy's bracelet and HER ring
- a post-it note pad
Posted by
5:01 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Slow ride .... take it eassssyyy
Now if I could just get McKenzie back to teach Cameron ....
Posted by
9:09 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
This post brought to you by the letter "L"
Shawn tagged me with this and assigned me the letter "L" and so HERE I GO:
Ten things that I love that begin with the letter "L":
1. My Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ ~ I was one of 'those girls' that lived a lifestyle that was not healthy. I partied like a rock star, and would regret myself the next morning. It lasted long enough to where I realized I was going to end up dead, raped (sorry, just keeping it real) or lost, so I made the decision to go on the straight and narrow. For the record, I never, ever did one drop of drugs -- it was mainly drinking and I was 5'8", 115 lbs at the time, so it didn't take much. I accepted Christ when I was 13 at a church camp, and got sideways. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I'm not shy about it and would love to tell my story one day. I have been a PRACTICING Christian for the past 4 yrs -- it has been the BEST thing EVER!!! I highly recommend it. This is the bible I use -- it is a dual translation -- NIV on one side and The Message on the other.
3. Lip Gloss -- enough said. Don't go anywhere without it. MAC lipglass is my favorite.

4. Lexus ...... it's my current vehicle and I LOVE it. I bought a used one with 12K miles on it .... 1/2 the price of a brand new one and it does everything I need it to do, except keep itself clean, but that's a post for another day!

5. Lounging ..... Sunday afternoons are my favorite!

Yeah, that's a picture of a slanket -- I want one. Shut up, you know you want one too!! NOT THE CHEAP SNUGGIE, a SLANKET!
6. The Limited ..... a friend and I walked into this store once and she said 'OH MY GOODNESS, I feel like I just walked into your closet!' -- yeah, I shop there a lot. I love it. They have good pants for tall girls that like to wear heels!

7. Long jeans ..... typically found at Buckle and the ONLY thing I will spend decent money on.

Favorite brand is Miss Me
8. Love -- I love my LOVE! Even though he makes me completely INSANE sometimes, he's mine.

9. My Little Ones .... my whole LIFE!!

10. Finally, my LIFE! I couldn't ask for a better one (well, maybe to be have a debt free life, but we're working on it). I love living in Tampa, I have the most INCREDIBLE family and friends, and I live 20 minutes from the beach!! HELLO!! Who's coming to visit NOW!??!
Posted by
6:31 AM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
There are some CRAZY people up in here!
On Friday I was driving home from work. I needed to make a quick stop at JoAnn's. Here in Tampa we have a 'row' of shopping centers and there is a common road that is BEHIND all of these stores. I was coming into the shopping center from the back, less busy road and went to turn RIGHT into the shopping center (mind you, I was already really IN the shopping center, just maneuvering my way around the center). I had received a text message that a little girl we were praying for had passed away and it really caught me off guard - b/c of this, I rolled through a stop sign -- going about 2 miles per hour AT THE MOST.
I pulled in front of a lady.
I did not hit her nor did she hit me.
She didn't even have to tap her brakes (I saw her in my rearview mirror).
I then received a phone call from my husband. I answered it. I was driving through the parking lot, looking for a place to park and I noticed lady was following me. SO I kept going and so did she. I finally stopped and parked and noticed she parked about 7 cars down (when you are friends with police officers, you hear lots of crazy stories).
Said lady stopped at my car and waited. She tapped on my window. I rolled it down and she proceeded to scream at me for running the stop sign. This is what I said to her:
"Let me give you a piece of advice, ma'am. People are crazy. Do not walk up to people's cars and scream at them. YOU NEVER KNOW if someone has a gun in their car and you NEVER know what kind of day someone is having! I suggest you get over it and go on with your day. I am sure you have done the same thing before!"
She proceeded to scream at me and I rolled up my window and told her to have a nice day. Life is TOO short to be screamed at by someone I don't even know AND over something so STUPID. I do know of a lady, in our area, that recently pulled into a parking space that another woman was waiting on. It was innocent. The lady walked up to the other lady's car. She proceeded to scream at the lady. The lady that took the parking lot rolled her window down and the other lady PUNCHED HE IN THE FACE and gave her a black EYE!! The kicker??!! The punching lady had her kids in the car and they witnessed the WHOLE THING!!
Was I out of line?? As soon as I realized I rolled through the stop sign, I kind of panicked, but dang ....
Posted by
4:08 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
M.I.A. and suffering from C.H.A.O.S
C.H.A.O.S. = Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome
Oh LORDY!! Where have I been!??! Welll, I've been here and have been RECLAIMING my house! For those of you that know me personally, I have made it my MISSION to get organized and keep a CLEAN house. I need baby steps and I found this site while blog surfing one night. I love it and have recommended it to some other ladies that I love.
See, I am one of those people that really really HATES a cluttered house. I hate it - but I am a victim of it. I try SO incredibly hard to keep my house clean, but I just can't. I have a job that requires 32-38 hrs/week of me (some of which is working from home, and that to me is even harder b/c you get consumed in 'other' things), a daughter who's calendar is more packed then mine, a son who will change clothes 32x, drag out every.single.toy he owns, and just MESS UP, and a husband who helps, but mostly after a gentle nudge of 'Hey honey, can you ......' ... ALTHOUGH, he did cover our plants and trees last night without me having to ask him to do it - so major props to him for that. I do not come home to a clean house, I come home to a house that needs to be cleaned ....and resentment grows when I spend my weekends cleaning 6-7 hrs when I'd rather be relaxing and doing other things. SO I'm hoping and praying that the decluttering and cleaning and following of the rules on flylady can get me to that place where I don't feel embarrassed to have people over!! Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. I love our home -- it's HOME and it FEELS like home, I just want it to be CLEAN and KEPT CLEAN!
We did clean out our garage and it has lasted a whole month - which is HUGE for us b/c we will normally just 'put it in the garage' and that turns into 7 mths of not being able to park our car in the garage b/c of all the junk in it!!
I am done with the playroom - just need to get my decorating done in there. I will post a winner for the giveaway tomorrow! I have to manually put in some people that called me with suggestions as they saw it on my blog, but couldn't post for whatever reason,
Have a great rest of the week -- is it Friday yet??
Stay tuned -- got a great little thing I did in Kennedy's room -- it's adorable!
Posted by
12:50 PM