Here is the big surprise I had you all waiting on! My immediate family members thought I was pregnant. UMMM, no.
Big Daddy and I decided to just pack our things and head NORTH for New Years. At first I thought it was crazy, but then the more I thought about surprising my family, the more I thought how awesome this is going to be! What a FANTASTIC way to ring in the New Year!!
I LOVE SURPRISES! This one took the cake. Shawn is CONSTANTLY getting surprised {and surprising} her family, so she was a big encouragement to 'just do it'. I'm happy to say, it went BETTER than planned and I think the video will speak for itself!
SO for the next 3 days, we'll be lovin' on our family here in Atlanta!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
SURPRISE!! The Brocks surprise The Carrolls for New Years!
Posted by
7:45 PM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Little Drummer Boy
This is a video I took during our Christmas Eve service at our church! It's AMAZING .... promise you'll enjoy it!!
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL and Merriest of Christmases!! We had about 50 people over on Christmas Eve and it went perfectly! Will post pics later this week!
Posted by
6:47 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Weekend in Orlando/Jacksonville
We decided to head to Jacksonville to watch the Gator game, since we were only about an hour away! We met up with GRITS and Just Dandy and watched the game at a really fun restaurant! I met these girls on Twitter and blogging (yes, I really did) and met up with them and 6 other girls in Atlanta. We have gotten to be great friends, so it was nice to see them again. It's no secret our Gators played like highschoolers and pretty much HANDED the title to Alabama, but it is what it is. Big Daddy and Wild Child were at the game and said it was pretty painful to watch in person. We LOVE Tebow and can't wait to see what he does next.
Princess and GRITS - Princess kept us in complete and utter hysterics the whole weekend. Seriously, the stuff that came out of her mouth was killing me .....
It was a great weekend, short of the Gators losing! We had a wonderful time and look forward to heading back to Jacksonville sometime SOON!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Seriously Adorable Frame Winner
The winner of the "Believe" frame is:
Posted by
8:00 AM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Believe ....
I'm hosting a giveaway and the 'prize' is something from one of my favorite people! Shawn, one of my best friends, is a fabulous artist. One of her most popular items is the canvas frame.
Take a look below at several of the designs she has created:
A fall-themed frame - I LOVE this cute little scarecrow!
These precious little birds make my heart happy! I LOVE THEM!
How cute is this summer frame? Would look perfect with your beach picture inserted in the frame!
This is one of my favorites too - would love to rotate out pictures of the kids from Halloweens past.
This is a custom piece she did for a customer!
A birthday frame!
WHO doesn't LOVE a fleur de lis??
One lucky reader is going to win the adorable "Believe" frame below! This one is designed to be placed in an easel, but I'm sure if I ask nicely, Shawn will make it into a frame that hangs! You can place your favorite picture from holidays past! It holds a 5x7 picture, too!
The best part is the frames are EXTREMELY affordable and make EXCELLENT gifts! Just $19.95 and they come packaged up in cellophane and ribbon, ready to give! So head on over to Shawn's blog or her website, Seriously Adorable ~ to enter the contest, please just leave a comment! That's IT! Contest will end FRIDAY, Dec 11 at midnight and winner will be announced Sat - so I can get this packaged up and ready for you to enjoy before Christmas!
Posted by
12:34 PM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
8 yrs ....
Posted by
12:40 PM
Monday, December 7, 2009
Menu Planning Monday
As promised, here is my menu for this week:
Monday - Chicken Katherine
Posted by
12:16 PM
Is it December already?!?!
WOW ~ I can't believe I haven't posted in over a week! I am SO SORRY!! We have been so busy here at The Brock household, but now that we are in some sort of a routine, I should be back to my regular posting!
Will be back later today with Menu Planning Monday, and then check back later this week for a giveaway, a Christmas tour, and results from Princess' first cheer competition!!
Posted by
4:38 AM