Here is the big surprise I had you all waiting on! My immediate family members thought I was pregnant. UMMM, no.
Big Daddy and I decided to just pack our things and head NORTH for New Years. At first I thought it was crazy, but then the more I thought about surprising my family, the more I thought how awesome this is going to be! What a FANTASTIC way to ring in the New Year!!
I LOVE SURPRISES! This one took the cake. Shawn is CONSTANTLY getting surprised {and surprising} her family, so she was a big encouragement to 'just do it'. I'm happy to say, it went BETTER than planned and I think the video will speak for itself!
SO for the next 3 days, we'll be lovin' on our family here in Atlanta!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
SURPRISE!! The Brocks surprise The Carrolls for New Years!
Posted by
7:45 PM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Little Drummer Boy
This is a video I took during our Christmas Eve service at our church! It's AMAZING .... promise you'll enjoy it!!
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL and Merriest of Christmases!! We had about 50 people over on Christmas Eve and it went perfectly! Will post pics later this week!
Posted by
6:47 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Weekend in Orlando/Jacksonville
We decided to head to Jacksonville to watch the Gator game, since we were only about an hour away! We met up with GRITS and Just Dandy and watched the game at a really fun restaurant! I met these girls on Twitter and blogging (yes, I really did) and met up with them and 6 other girls in Atlanta. We have gotten to be great friends, so it was nice to see them again. It's no secret our Gators played like highschoolers and pretty much HANDED the title to Alabama, but it is what it is. Big Daddy and Wild Child were at the game and said it was pretty painful to watch in person. We LOVE Tebow and can't wait to see what he does next.
Princess and GRITS - Princess kept us in complete and utter hysterics the whole weekend. Seriously, the stuff that came out of her mouth was killing me .....
It was a great weekend, short of the Gators losing! We had a wonderful time and look forward to heading back to Jacksonville sometime SOON!
Posted by
1:54 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Seriously Adorable Frame Winner
The winner of the "Believe" frame is:
Posted by
8:00 AM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Believe ....
I'm hosting a giveaway and the 'prize' is something from one of my favorite people! Shawn, one of my best friends, is a fabulous artist. One of her most popular items is the canvas frame.
Take a look below at several of the designs she has created:
A fall-themed frame - I LOVE this cute little scarecrow!
These precious little birds make my heart happy! I LOVE THEM!
How cute is this summer frame? Would look perfect with your beach picture inserted in the frame!
This is one of my favorites too - would love to rotate out pictures of the kids from Halloweens past.
This is a custom piece she did for a customer!
A birthday frame!
WHO doesn't LOVE a fleur de lis??
One lucky reader is going to win the adorable "Believe" frame below! This one is designed to be placed in an easel, but I'm sure if I ask nicely, Shawn will make it into a frame that hangs! You can place your favorite picture from holidays past! It holds a 5x7 picture, too!
The best part is the frames are EXTREMELY affordable and make EXCELLENT gifts! Just $19.95 and they come packaged up in cellophane and ribbon, ready to give! So head on over to Shawn's blog or her website, Seriously Adorable ~ to enter the contest, please just leave a comment! That's IT! Contest will end FRIDAY, Dec 11 at midnight and winner will be announced Sat - so I can get this packaged up and ready for you to enjoy before Christmas!
Posted by
12:34 PM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
8 yrs ....
Posted by
12:40 PM
Monday, December 7, 2009
Menu Planning Monday
As promised, here is my menu for this week:
Monday - Chicken Katherine
Posted by
12:16 PM
Is it December already?!?!
WOW ~ I can't believe I haven't posted in over a week! I am SO SORRY!! We have been so busy here at The Brock household, but now that we are in some sort of a routine, I should be back to my regular posting!
Will be back later today with Menu Planning Monday, and then check back later this week for a giveaway, a Christmas tour, and results from Princess' first cheer competition!!
Posted by
4:38 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Appetizers, dips, and cheese balls, OH MY!
I love food - it's really not a secret. I really love good, country, SOUTHERN food, but since my move to Florida, I have broadened my horizons a bit and realized I can eat, AND ENJOY, some, ahem, what I call ... fru fru food.
With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I thought I would post some recipes of some wonderful dips, appetizers, etc that I have come to enjoy! I hope you enjoy them too!
Endive Stuffed w/Goat Cheese* and Walnuts
My friend, Stacey - you know, the one that does all my flower arrangements and has no blog, she brought these to a wine tasting this past weekend and they were DELISH!
*I had this the other night and she used blue cheese instead of goat cheese - ALTHOUGH - I really like goat cheese. Blue cheese is just easier to find. You will find yourself chomping on these and going back for more. They are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I think I stood over the plate and ate about 10 of them. Seriously. I will be making these for Thanksgiving Day appetizers.
I have no picture for this one, but trust me, it's SO good and perfect for fall! I make it and it doesn't last long at all. I normally serve with apple slices and graham cracker cinnamon sticks.
Cheese Ball
This one was introduced to me by Shawn. She makes it and it disappears all the rest of these!
1 pkg Kraft Roka Blue
1 pkg Old English
1 block cream cheese
Garlic to taste
Mix together - put in fridge to harden - shape into ball and serve with crackers!

What are your favorite recipes?
Posted by
9:51 AM
Friday, November 20, 2009
Family Christmas Pictures ~ 2009
Posted by
4:05 PM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Seriously ... sometimes I just want to raise my hands to the heavens and shout "WHY?!" .. actually, I'm lying, I did that .. today.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Menu-Planning Monday
I got a little off-schedule last week because Big Daddy was out of town, so we kind of just ate what we had in the house! Now, Big Daddy is on a MASSIVE diet, and he can't really deviate from the diet (that's kind of the idea, right?) - but he REALLY can't on this one. He has his own menu (just think chicken, steak, or salad) and so we are free to eat whatever we want!! YAY!
Monday ~ Spaghetti tacos (it's exactly what it is), french fries
Tuesday ~ Polynesian chicken, white rice, peas
Wednesday ~ Macaroni & Cheese, salad
Thursday ~ cheeseburgers, tater tots, baked beas {I will be leaving to go see New Moon with Shawn}
Friday ~ Chicken Katherine, peas, salad
Saturday ~ wine tasting/dinner w/friends
Posted by
11:50 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Inspiration Sunday
I decided I would share with you songs that mean something to me - every Sunday.
I'm hoping you'll watch the video - maybe it will reach out to you.
This song is special to me b/c our church actually recorded it ... and it turned out amazing!!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Sunday, November 8, 2009
"I Know The Plans I Have For You"
We have had .... literally .. an unbelievable week {all good}. Big Daddy and I are in awe of how God is working in our lives. We most certainly believe that we have been brought to a place that has humbled us and we give all the honor and glory to Him. It certainly was perfectly orchestrated ~ and I'll leave it at that.
While we were at church earlier today, we were speaking with our dear friend, and worship pastor, as well as a couple other pastors from the church. Our worship pastor left the room, but came back about 30 seconds later. He said 'I felt God tell me I need to come back and sing this song over you - really, I need to sing it, it's overwhelming'.
This is the song he sang {but imagine it coming from a guy, that sounds like Gary LeVox from Rascal Flatts, but more amazing}.
I snot-cried ... Big Daddy cried ... it was very, very moving.
So I want to take this time to let you know if you're struggling, hang in there. There is a light at the end of the tunnel {and it's NOT a train} - keep steadfast in your prayer and even when there doesn't seem to be ANYTHING to be thankful for - remember to thank God for SOMETHING, the littlest thing - FIND SOMETHING. Most of all - remember to give all the glory and praise to God - praise Him even in the bad times. God will provide the grace and mercy to bring you through.
Jer 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Posted by
10:40 AM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
27 Days of Thankful
I saw this post over at my in real life BFF's blog, Seriously and thought I'd like to join up!
Posted by
4:47 AM
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Meal Planning Monday
I've gotten lots of compliments/comments regarding my meal planning - although I don't think I have the BEST recipes or the most 'balanced meals' - knowing I've got friends that look forward to seeing it, has really held me accountable to posting each week! ... so here we go!
Posted by
4:39 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I have died and gone to heaven ... almost.
Posted by
1:44 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
Meal Planning Monday
Today has FLOWN by! It's going to be a CROCK-POT week I think ~ which is great b/c I LOVE the way my house smells when I've had something cooking all day!
Here goes:
Monday ~ Sweet Chili (yes ... again)
Tuesday ~ Chicken & Dumplings thank you to End of Beans for pointing out that recipe - can't wait to try!
Wednesday ~ Taco Soup
Thursday ~ Polynesian Chicken*
Friday ~ PIZZA
Saturday ~ BLOCK PARTY and trick-or-treating with the kids
Sunday ~ Vegetable Soup*
1 lb chicken breast or tenderloins
1 can cream of mushroom soup
Cook in crock pot ALL day
Serve over white rice, topped w/sour cream and crushed pineapple
Vegetable Soup
Basically, I just throw in an assortment of FROZEN vegetables, chopped up cabbage, diced tomatoes and water & chicken broth - let it cook all day long and serve with cornbread.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Pen-Pals in the 21st Century
I am coming off an amazing weekend - as if this MONTH couldn't be any better!
Posted by
8:01 AM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
I have decided to start posting Menu Plan Monday so I can get organized in my life. We "go" a lot and if I don't sit down, write it out and plan it, we'll eat Chick-fil-A all week. While I'm not totally against that idea, it's just not a healthy option and sitting down as a family to eat is important to me. This is a short week because I am leaving out of town on Friday and Big Daddy will be hanging with the kids. Both have lots of activities planned this weekend, and we're planning accordingly.
1/2 stick butter
1 package neufchatel or cream cheese
1 can cream of mushroom soup (I use low-fat)
1 pack - Good Seasonings dry italian dressing mix
Dash of white wine
Add butter, soup, white wine, & dressing mix.
Mix until well blended.
Put chicken in cassarole dish and pour cream cheese mixture on top.
Bake at 375 for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
*** Just got home from grocery store and I spent $58 TOTAL for groceries for the week, including some household items we needed and lunch items for Princess. I inventoried our pantry before I left and ONLY bought what I needed ****
Posted by
5:38 AM
Friday, October 16, 2009
34 years ago today ....
"WE" were born ~ if you haven't guessed it yet, or figured it out ~ I am a twin. Younger by 4 minutes, I wouldn't trade it for the world. My sister, Jenn, is my best friend. We have a connection that is only explained by sharing a womb for 9 mths. I could go on and on about all the weird things that happen - me calling her and she's beeping in, sending emails to each other at the same time, I even had MAJOR back pain when she went into labor w/her first daughter. Mom called to tell me she was in labor and I pretty much ALREADY knew it.
So Happy Birthday to my Best FRIEND ~ I love you more than you know. I wish you all the joys you could ever imagine and may all your wishes come true!
Random.Org selected comment #12 as the winner of my Birthday Giveway (I deleted one disqualifying comment *NOT MY MOM* and a duplicate before I chose the winner)!
Congratulations to Dana! Email me your address so I can get out this awesome giftbox to you!
Posted by
7:03 AM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Birthday Brunch
Posted by
1:32 PM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY want this dress for my bday ...

I mean really, can't y'all just see me in this dress? With tights (snicker, yeah right, like it gets cold enough to wear tights, but anyways) and tall black boots! YUMMMM-Y!
Posted by
11:03 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The pits of hell ...
No, I'm not in a 'bad place' or whathaveyou ... that is what I am calling the workout I did last night.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Birthday Wish List .....
I'm so pathetic .... I can't think of ANYTHING to put on my birthday * wish * list for Big Daddy except that perfume I blogged about last week.
I am either TRULY blessed or boring ..... I'm going w/BLESSED.
I do need a colander .... seriously, a flippin' colander.
I just can't think of anything that I want so badly that I remember to tell anyone - or maybe I do and I just can't remember! ARGH!
Posted by
8:39 PM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Supermodel - WORK!

Posted by
5:23 AM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I'm IN LOVE with this scent
I was in Victoria's Secret not too long ago with a friend. I really don't ever go in there but I do love their makeup! I saw this bottle and decided to smell it - I NEVER do that. OH. MY. HEAVENS - it smelled SO good. I sprayed the body mist and then put on some of the lotion.
I kept smelling my hands all day long .... the scent lingered - which I like - AND smelled so yummy for fall! It's not overly sweet. I like to switch up my perfumes and normally have 2-3 that I use depending on what mood I'm in. Maybe Big Daddy will see this and get it for me for my birthday? It IS coming up!
Posted by
10:00 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I FALL for FALL jackets ....
We do not get much of a "fall" here in Florida - we do get some more balmy days, but typically, it doesn't ever get very cold. I decided I would cruise the internet for what's * hot * on the fall jacket scene and boy, oh boy, did it leave me wanting to hop on a plane and head to Chicago (ahem ... yes, I really do mean that... it's somewhere I've never been and really want to go).
Anyway, I hit up my old favorites, Gap and Banana Republic. Did y'all know Piperlime is now selling apparel? My heart skipped a beat when I saw this GORGEOUS military ruffle jacket by Free People - it's pretty reasonable too at $148.
Photo Credit: JCrew
Photo Credit: Piperlime
Posted by
10:00 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Deeper Still ~ Orlando
As promised, here is my post about my weekend in Orlando at Deeper Still. For those of you that don't know, Deeper Still was a conference where 3 bible teachers, Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Beth Moore (MY FAVORITE!!) spoke about different things, thus teaching us to go "Deeper Still" with our faith, understanding, etc.
I was lucky enough to have my sister join me on this conference - as well as my best friend Amber. Our friend Dawn traveled with us and then we met up with Shawn, Danielle and Rebecca. We traveled out Friday late afternoon and got to Orlando around 4:30. We decided to change, freshen up and head down to the hotel for dinner before it started at 7:00. Needless to say, the hotel restaurant was not prepared for the onslaught of this many women, and we sat there for 45 minutes before we kindly put a little bit of money for our 1 Coke (Dr. Pepper really) and told one of the waitresses that we had to go .... we did get a free breakfast the next morning though (THANKS SHAWN)!
We walked over to the Arena and ate hot dogs and nachos instead --- it was good and just a teensy bit less expensive (NOT MUCH THOUGH)!
My sister and me, just before going into the Conference
Kay Arthur (I don't have ANY pictures) taught the entire book of Hebrews. This amazing woman is 75 yrs old and BROUGHT. IT. She did scare me a little, but REALLY, in the big scheme of things, what is there to be scared about? She taught us about Resting in Faith -- which is really really important to me and something I am doing as we speak.
This is out of order, but before Beth spoke, this was a painting that was done on 4 panels of glass - Kay spoke about planting the seed - on the OTHER side of the glass, all the women that attended were given an opportunity to write on the glass. It was INCREDIBLE!
My favorite speaker was definitely Priscilla Shirer -- OHHH she is so REAL! I loved her and her message. She taught us about Ephesians 3:20-21 -- seriously spoke 1.5 hrs on just these 2 verses. She 'dumbed it down' as I like to say and I ingested it and have really been soaking in this message. She taught us that God can go BEYOND our BEYOND, all that we imagine and that sometimes God's answer is * no * and we have to be willing to understand that that is His answer, and he has a bigger plan for us - one that goes BEYOND our BEYOND and comprehension.
Beth Moore taught us about discerning the voice of God. Also, something I REALLY needed to hear. She gave us a list of things to look for - and most times - to follow our gut feeling. It was called "Divine Revelations in Human Encounters". She gave us 4 questions to ask ourselves:
1. Can I trust what I'm sensing? Am I a critical or suspicious person by nature?
2. Am I jealous? Do I feel threatened by this person?
3. Do I have anything selfish to gain for this outcome?
4. Are my emotions clouding my discernment?
If you answer "NO" to any of these questions, then go with your gut. But if you answer "YES", then you must re-examine the situation. THIS GOES FOR PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE!! She really stuck on 2 Timothy 3:5 (yes, I am going to make you look it up).
This was the end when they were doing some straight shooting talk. It was funny and really showed us these ladies are * REAL * people just like us.
Posted by
3:18 PM
Update coming sooooon!
I have so much to share with y'all from my weekend at the Deeper Still conference in Orlando.
Amazing ... and it spoke right to me.
But first, mama needs to catch up on the shenanigans of this house!
Promise to be back tonight with an update - plus lots and lots of other stuff!!
Have FIRST DAY OF FALL, my sweets - even though it's still 90 degrees HERE!
Posted by
5:33 AM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
....with a grain of salt
So things have been quite hectic over here at Casa de Brock ~ changes left and right. Some good, some kinda making us raise an eyebrow.
Posted by
5:23 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Favorite Song Sunday
This is something I thought I'd try ~ we'll see if it sparks any interest.
I'm posting a video of one of my favorite songs -- this one happens to just get me 'going' in the morning -- or helps me get my 'clean on'.
Y'all know I'm a country girl -- yet I can so hang in the city {seriously}.
I love all types of music -- except the jiggy jiggy jiggy kind, you know, with hardcore cussing and stuff -- but deep down, country is still my all time fave.
Here's why .......
Posted by
8:47 AM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's all about the packaging.....

Posted by
12:25 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
This image will forever be etched in my mind. I remember exactly what I was doing the morning our towers were attacked. I was living in Nashville - only having been there just a few short months. I was listening to the radio and remember the dj saying that 'something' was wrong and an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I immediately called Big Daddy and he turned on the television - he YELLED when the 2nd plane hit - watched it happen.
I went on to work and everyone was talking about what happened. It never, seriously, crossed my mind that this was a terrorist attack. I just didn't think like that. We watched tv in our office for the rest of the day, until our manager just decided to send everyone home. It was very stoic.
That weekend, Big Daddy had to leave for a show in Minnesota. I left and went to stay with his parents. I did not want to be by myself.
During the show - there was no wind. No real breeze.
Big Daddy started singing a song about the flag, called "Red, White & Blue" ~ as he started singing, the flag slowly started to wave. By the middle of the song, the flag was waving - he said like God taking his breath and making the flag wave. After the song ended, the flag slowly fell back to it's original position.
Do you have chills?
I wish I could post the song, but it was never released and I * think * I only have it on my iPod.
So today, I remember what I was doing, the feelings I felt - nothing compared to what those actually in NY felt. I can't even begin to imagine and quite frankly, I don't want to.
Thank you to all our servicemen and women that give their lives daily!
Happy Friday, my sweets! Have a great weekend!
Posted by
11:58 AM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fall Dresses
Since I live in Florida, we really don't see super cold weather here. It MIGHT get a little below 60, but not until Feb/March and it doesn't last long. I do not own very many sweaters at all - but I have become a dress fiend. I LOVE THEM!!
While picking up some skinny jeans for Princess, I came across a couple dresses at Old Navy - YES, OLD NAVY - and thought I'd share them with y'all. I do not have a 'favorite' place to shop (except for my jeans). I pretty much just buy what I like. I do like transitional pieces though - ones I can wear all year long. My job is also business casual, so I can get away with more. I do dress nicely for business meetings and presentations - those clothes normally come from Banana Republic - another staple for me because it always just fits so well --- and y'all all KNOW what my favorite jeans are, right?
Here's one my twin sister turned me on to! How cute with the gray/white/black leopard print scarf I just got! I think this will be adorable with some ballet flats. It's a great jersey material, too - AND - it was a steal at just $15.00!!
This is another one I purchased. Lucky for me, I buy all the kids clothes at Old Navy - SO - after we did our back to school shopping, I got some coupons in the mail. I saved 20% AND had another $30 in gift certificates. This dress will be adorable paired with some chunky jewelry and flats. I got it in a dark purple - beautiful jewel tone color for fall. Again - this one was only $15 and it's a soft jersey material as well!This dress is just 'me'. I LOVE. IT. I love it with the boots too! I didn't get this one, but it's definitely on my wish list! The winter white is just gorgeous!
This is another dress that screams "NATALIE" - it's so me! I didn't get this one either, but I think it's adorable. I'm not sure about the booties though. I have REALLY skinny legs and not sure I could pull it off.
I get emails DAILY about the next fall fashion find - dresses are definitely at the top of the list!
What's your favorite fall item??
Have a wonderful Wednesday, my sweets! Until tomorrow!
Posted by
4:18 AM