Today marks our 8-year anniversary! We were married in Vegas after dating 9 mths - so I guess the old saying goes "When you know, you know".
We've been through some crazy times, some very dramatic times, some wonderful times, but all in all, these past 8yrs have shaped us as a couple. Our marriage has taken work {and y'all are lying if you are saying yours doesn't and it's perfect} ~ I'm happy to say I've got a man that will stand beside me NO MATTER what.
The best part of our marriage so far? These two:
For those of you that don't know, this is my second marriage and Big Daddy's third (EEK!! But honestly, I'm a Lt Colonel - we've been married THREE TIMES as long as his first 2 marriages COMBINED) - I will tell you this: Divorce is too easy these days. Please know this is just my OPINION, but if you can work GOD into your marriage, it will last forever. I truly believe that. There have been a couple times in our marriage that it just wasn't fun, easy or even enjoyable, but because of our FAITH and belief in Christ, we stuck it out and we're in a place now where I know we'll continue to grow deeper together as a couple. Marriage is hard work - but a friend sent this to me today and I wanted to close and share:
The purpose of marriage is not so much to make us happy, but to give us opportunities to grow in virtue and learn how to love by weathering those frustrations and irritations. If we can get over our mindset towards our spouse of "meet my needs", we can appreciate what they are instead of focusing on what they aren't!
Congrats on 8 years!
we were married in Vegas too...Silver Bells Wedding Chapel!!...10 years back!
Happy anniversary! You're absolutely right. I find the closer and more obedient I am to God, the closer I am with my hubby. Cheers to you and to 80 more years...well at least 50;-)
Happy Anniversary! What an inspirational post to us single girls, I 100% agree!!!
Happy Anniversary Natalie!!
CONGRATS!!! Hope you have a wonderful time with CB tonight!
Congrats on 8 years! I'm printing out your purpose message about marriage and sharing it with my husband tonight over dinner!
Happy 8 Year Anniversary! What a fun time of the year to have an anniversary.
So much happiness wished for you both in the years to come!! It takes all you have sometimes but when your 'equally yoked' - you can make it work. SO much love your way Nat! Maybe we can get together after the New Year?
Happy Happy to one of my favorite couples and my Dominican Republic bestie!
So incredibly sweet!!! Happy 8 years!!!!! :)
Happy Anniversary to a great couple!
Happy anniversary!!!!
First of all...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope you enjoyed your day. Your family is gorgeous as usual.
Amen to the marriage part. Divorce is too easy these days and the thoughts of working a marriage seem to baffle people.
Here's to 80 more...
What adorable munchkins you have. Happy anniversary!
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