Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Operation Perfect Vision ~ Part ONE!

Today was probably the 4th greatest day of my life (first = wedding day to Chad, 2nd = Kennedy's birth and 3rd = Cameron's birth) -- why you ask? I took the first steps of having LASIK surgery. Now, for those of you that know me well, know that the vainess that seeps through my body will not allow me to wear glasses for an extended period of time. I hate them. I even bought really trendy cute glasses for the times when my eyes would start hurting from wearing my contacts. Well, those days are OVER!! As Chad likes to say "Membership has it's benefits" and because of him, I was able to finally be blessed to have my eyes corrected. I went to see Dr. Updegraff in St. Pete and besides the fact he is a world reknown surgeon, he is most down to earth, friendly, caring person I have ever met. His staff exemplifies professionalism and by the time we left, we felt like family.

Now -- what does the PART ONE mean?? Leave it to me to be an 'unusual' case. Because of an infection last summer, my cornea was so damaged that LASIK could not be performed in my left eye. I was crushed when Dr. Updegraff said there was no way they could perform the procedure on that eye. I honestly was ready to walk out of his office and just cry as I truly had my heart set on the procedure. He quickly said that he could do a different procedure that was just as easy but required a few more steps and still ended with the same results we were all looking for. It is called ICL (Implantable contact lens) -- sounds gross but it is so cool.
Don't you love my picture? No makeup, crazy hair ~ Kennedy thought the eye 'patch' was cool but thought we needed to decorate it because it was kind of plain. She loves rhinestones (so fancy). When they take the tape off tomorrow, I just may see if they can do my eyebrows while they are at it - ha ha!!
Until we meet again ~ have a great week!!


Kim said...

can't believe you are finally going through with it!!! I am truly amazed!!

Ber said...

HOORAY!!! It is about time. Now I don't have to yell at you anymore about leaving in your contacts for MONTHS at a time.