Sunday, May 23, 2010

Packing "How To"

I asked my sweet friend, The Dishy Decorator, to share her packing how to's ... and like the sweet Southern girl that she is, she kindly obliged!

You can find the post here!


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hey, Natalie, I decided to click over to your blog today & see that you are moving back to ATL!! How exciting is that. Wow, girl, good for you. I read up on some of your posts about how you are getting your dream house & all of that. Very happy for you, can't wait to see it inside & read about what all is going on too. Just wanted to stop by & say HEY!. Oh, and I'm following you on Twitter now, so hope you'll let me since you are protected. :)

prashant said...

Just wanted to stop by & say HEY!
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