Thursday, August 2, 2007

A bit of advice ....

If you are ever getting floors installed in your house ~ MOVE OUT!! We are headed into Day 3 of our 'wouldn't it be sooo nice to redo the floors?" GRAND IDEA and boy, I didn't realize what a snob I am ... I like my space and when I've lived without it for 2 SOLID days now, I'm getting cranky! All the same, Chad and I talk about how AWESOME it's going to look when it's done. Yeah yeah yeah .... get on with it. My neighbor, who shall remain NAMELESS, wrote her name in the 2 inches of dust that covers every piece of furniture that I have. I will say, our guys are working hard. They probably hate me though and they will hate me worse tomorrow when I tell them that there is a piece of furniture like sink going in the guest bathroom and he will need to tile all the way to the wall and pull up the neatly cut pieces that are already down there. YIKES!! He'll cuss me in Portugese ...

Have a nice night ~ yes, enjoy the potty picture!


Kim said...

where's waldo?! What is up with these potty pics? Is this for us, the Tennessee friends??