Saturday, June 7, 2008

More proof God puts people in my life for a reason ...

So my BFF Amber was here last week while her hubby was doing some work in Lakeland ~ her kids were here as well and I asked Madison if she wanted some lunch and she said "Yes, I'd like a peanut butter and fluff sandwich" in which I replied "COMO SAY WHAT?!?!" and Amber laughed and said "Have you never had that before?" ~ obviously NOT!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I went to the sto' and got some marshmellow cream, even though I know they make stuff called "Fluff", this would have to do ~ I'm pretty sure it's the same thing. Anyway, I only had wheat bread ..... I mean, seriously, if you're going to do it, go all out and do it on WHITE bread ~ so I did it and when I bit into it, the heaven's parted a little and I swear I heard angels singing ... or could have been my ipod on continuous play of "Bleeding Love", but I digress .... I even used the peanut butter and honey -- OH. MY. LORD!!!

Try it - you'll be glad you did!


Kim said...

I think I might have to!!

Ber said...

I am so glad you tried it and liked it. It is a staple in my house and the kids LOVE it!!!!!

Natalie Willis said...

Ah yes, welcome to the wonderful world of Fluffernutters! :-) It is a well balanced meal, grain(bread), protein(peanuts), vegetables( from the corn syrup in the Fluff of course!):-)

Kim said...

can I tell you that I made Lonnie get the fluff as soon as I posted the comment above - he just happened to be at the grocery store! I ate 4 of those jokers in a 24 hour period!!

No wonder I'm fat!

Love the new blog look

Unknown said...

I guess i will have to go get some fluff tonight!

Cindy said...

Hmmmm I'm not wure about that! I like peanut butter and I like marshmallows but I'm not sure if I would like them together.

I love that song "Bleeding Heart"! I keep listening to it over and over! It's one of those songs that stays in your head even when you aren't listening to it though.

Cindy said...

Oops! I meant to say "sure" not "wure"!

Unknown said...

I tried it. I have a jar of fluff and peanut butter with me at work today!

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT believe that you had never had a fluffernutter!! I have been depriving you of that little secret without knowing it. Madison has been looking forward to Sunday School all week because they are having a celebration with Fluffernutters! It's David's ultimate cheat food.

Kim said...

I just ate it on a biscuit - just as delish! Must post about it

Shawn said...

Really? What rock have you been living under? That was my lunch every day when I was in elementary school. In fact I might go purge my most delicious Mexican dinner so I can go have one. I am going to be as big as a house by the time this ankle heals!

Anonymous said...

Now you just need to add some Nutella to that! It's chocolate spread- in a jar in the aisle with the peanut butter & fluff.
:) Michele