Monday, August 31, 2009


August has been one of the busiest months, I think, in a really long time. We had SOME sort of commitment each weekend, not just one day, but both days, every single weekend.

Never any downtime.

While I know I am blessed to be able to BE busy, to have friends and family that love us and want to be with us, I am tired. I am mentally and physically exhausted and I'm looking forward to September - where we have few commitments. I am looking forward to calling friends on a Sunday afternoon and saying "Hey, come over for lunch, let's hang out" - casual and nothing planned. I absolutely LOVE entertaining and doing things for others. It fills my 'love tank' and my love tank is overflowing- thank you JESUS!

I am also spiritually tired. Meaning, I feel like I've been neglecting my quiet time. With activities comes preparation, and I've been putting my quiet time on the back burner because I need to get this room clean, or get those groceries bought. I'm starting to feel it now.

Our pastor did a sermon last weekend about calamity and getting your house in order. Now while I know he meant spiritual house, I also know he means our personal house. Big Daddy and I sat down over lunch and talked about this sermon. It was, by far, the best sermon we've ever been taught in the 3yrs we've been attending our church. It spoke to me more than any I've heard. We have agreed to go, room by room, and get our house in order.

It started with our closet - not trying to be funny - seriously - but good LORD - it was so bad it would have made a preacher cuss! It looks amazing now and I will post pictures as soon as I finish the minor details.

I say all of this to get here ~ yesterday, in between services, I sat down and just opened my bible. I find it NO COINCIDENCE that I opened it up to the following verses:

Matthew 5:3-12

3"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

4"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

5"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.

6"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.

7"You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.

8"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

9"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.

10"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.

11-12"Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.

Now I am not a bible thumper, stumper, or jumper - but I have become less scared of sharing a word when it comes to me. You never know who may need to hear it. I read a blog last night and it was EXACTLY what I needed.

I hope y'all have an awesome week - one of my goals is to get back to blogging regularly. I still need to post about Shawn's AMAZING birthday brunch - it was beautiful and perfect. I also need to post some recipes from the baby shower we hosted this past weekend!! OH MY GOODNESS - did we have some AWESOME food here!!


Shawn said...

I am blessed with you!

Sit back, take a deep breath and relax!

Lauren said...

Pray you have a peaceful and relaxing September!! :)

Oh, I think I might be volunteering at the Deeper Still event in Orlando in September :)

DD said...

Great blog post. Everything you said is true. We have a lot of chaos at our house, and I want it to be a place of calm and refuge when my family is home. I feel sorry for hubby when he comes home from working all day and the house is a mess, the kids are fighting and nothing's in order. That is something that I will come into agreement with you to work on.

Don't be afraid to share the word. It's a part of who you are and more than likely, you'll encourage a reader.

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

Loved the post! Loved the verses. I definitely need to slow down a little bit and spend more quiet time.

Xazmin said...

Wonderful post. We all need to remember to just sit and reflect sometimes.

I'm getting your package boxed up right now...I hope you like it!

Anonymous said...

Great post!! I certainly need to take a page out of your book here!! Hope you have a great week!! = )

Debi said...

I'm cracking up because I just got off the phone with Shawn and she was in her closet...Girl you know he was preachin to us all. I should get the tape on that one. Enjoyed your blog. hugs,DD.

m. said...

I love, love, love this post... this verse was exactly what I needed today! thank you!!!

Beth Dunn said...

This whole summer has felt like that to me. I know what you mean. xoxo