I put out a 'plea' to help me in my bloggy slump ~ and you girls CERTAINLY delivered!
Peeptoe Pumps and Pearls asked:
1. What is your favorite cocktail? My favorite cocktail is really just Malibu Rum and pineapple juice - boring, I know. At least I graduated from amaretto sours .... I really love love LOVE wine. My favorite is a brand called Talus and you can get it Publix. It's average priced (like $10) and seriously is SO good! I also like a table wine called Conundrum ... it's in the $20 range and is so good!
2. Favorite clothing store (for you)? I had a friend walk into The Limited once and say to me "I feel like I'm in your closet" ... I definitely shopped there A LOT back in the day. I now kinda shop everywhere. I love a good bargain, but have recently scaled back b/c I just don't have room for it all! ALL my jeans come from Buckle and my work clothes have been coming from Ann Taylor Loft. Also, I buy clothes from 15dollarstore.com -- check it out! I like Forever 21 for trendy clothes, or what I call "disposable clothes" ~ clothes that you buy for the trend and don't wear really more than one season. I don't mind spending 'decent' money on black pants and classic items. OH, and I am LIVING in maxi dresses on the weekends and I find those at TJ Maxx or Old Navy.
3. Best dish or dessert you make? Lately, I've been making a KILLER baked brie. Serve with honey wheat Wheatables.
4. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Marietta, Ga (an Atlanta suburb) and still consider it 'home'. My entire family still lives just North of Atlanta. I absolutely LOVE Georgia and always enjoy going back for a visit. I went to college at Kennesaw State University and stayed in the area after I graduated. It wasn't until I met Big Daddy, that I decided to move away.
5. If you go travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I really like tropical destinations. I have ZERO urge to go to Europe, Asia, etc .... I am just too frightened and can't handle the plane trip. We are hoping to go to Turks & Caicos next summer.
Vivienne asked:
"What was the most embarrassing experience you've ever had?" - this is a toss up between my foot falling asleep in the middle of a date and the time I met Trish Yearwood. I always sit on one foot. We were at a Mexican restaurant and got up to leave. I had on wedge sandals and my entire ankle buckled underneath me, thus causing me to fall in the middle of the restaurant. Because my ankle was broken, I could not get up. I didn't know whether to scream or cry, so I did both. "Boyfriend" came back, told me to GET UP as he was holding the door open and I had to tell him that I could NOT get up. NO COMPASSION. I finally got up, hobbled out the door and he had to carry me to the car. It was ugly.
The time I met Trisha Yearwood was just last year. I have been a fan of hers since I can remember. She is awesome. She was playing at Sea World and Big Daddy had to be out there to work for the radio station, but he and Trisha were friends back when he was singing and touring. He had me wait in the line to see her and he would meet back up with us. When I finally got up to talk to her, Big Daddy was NO WHERE to be found. I introduced myself and just stared at her. She is so beautiful, y'all - and SWEET! I was speechless and could only muster up "I'm from Georgia too" .. that's it. Nothing else. FINALLY, Big Daddy walked in and she said "Excuse me, I need to say Hi to the gentleman that just walked in - I haven't seen him in years" and I turned to look over my shoulder and it was Big Daddy. Thank Goodness!
Trudy asked:
How long have you been blogging and what made you decide to do it? I started blogging in June 2007 because a friend started a blog! When she told me how easy it was and that it was FREE, I decided to jump on the bandwagon. It has been fun and I am definitely getting better at it.
Jenn asked:
What is the neatest thing about being a twin? Let's see .... being a twin is awesome. I love that we connect on so many levels. I can be dialing Jenn's number, get her voicemail, and it's because she's calling me. We most definitely have the telepathy thing going on - it's not fake. We are mirror twins, meaning if you were to look in the mirror, we are exact opposites. I'm left handed, she's right handed, even our parts are like looking in a mirror. HOWEVER, we are not identical. I do not know what it's like to be alone b/c I have never been 'alone' so to speak.
Anonymous asked:
What do you do for a living? What is your dream job? I am a Marketing Director for a title company. I essentially market to real estate professionals and mortgage brokers in our area. It has definitely had it's ups and downs, but I love it. We are a small company and I love that b/c I can do my thing ... work from home, work out in the field, it doesn't matter - as long as I am NOT being micro-managed. My dream job would be as a wedding or event planner. I absolutely LOVE planning events and can't watch enough of the 'bridal' reality shows.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
You ask ~ I answer ...
Crystal asked:
My mom turns 50 in September. Could you arrange for John Rich to sing Happy Birthday to her or maybe "Lost in this moment..."...maybe even by phone? Hahahaha!!! You knew I'd have to say something about my dream boat! Well, he is really her dream boat. Although John Rich is a good friend of my husband, I don't know that John would do that ~ BUT ~ he is a VERY VERY nice guy! I can certainly arrange to have another country singer call your Mom and sing her Happy Birthday! ;)
I would love to see pics of your house...I don't think that's a question though. My house is definitely a work in progress, but I'm happy to say we are moving forward to finishing ALL the projects and just ENJOYING the house!
Do you think it would be fun to get some southern blogging girls together for a weekend? ie, me, you and anyone else that wants to come??? I vote for the beach! Kids welcome too! I think that's a GREAT idea! We are so close to the beach - so much so that I plan to go weekly! COME ON DOWN, Crystal!
Executive Momma asked:
What is your favorite guilty pleasure? I never know how to answer this question! I love watching reality tv - any and all of it. Seriously. I wish I could be a Real Housewife. I love that crap and I love watching any of the wedding shows. It's so stupid but it sucks me in. I can sit and watch it hours upon hours and then realize I am sitting in a filthy house that needs to be cleaned but thank GOODNESS I know what's going on with the Real Housewives of NJ (my fave to date, by the way)!
Finally, last question from Anonymous:
You seem to be so creative. I am sure this must be in your genes. Tell us a little about your wonderful parents - or maybe just your Mom
Hmmm, I can NOT imagine WHO would have posted this as anonymous! I think I am creative, yes, but I 'borrow' a lot of ideas from friends and blogs. My parents are amazing. My Dad is so strong-willed (sounds better than stubborn) and has been fighting cancer for the past 6 yrs and appears to be successful in this battle. I can honestly say we have grown immensely closer over these past 6 yrs, as well as my faith has grown tremendously b/c of it. I love him so much and have really enjoyed seeing him when he stops by on his travels through Florida. My Mom is awesome. I have a very very dear friend who has a Mom that I absolutely adore and reminds me of my own mother. I tell her that all the time. My Mom can cook a HUGE dinner and have it all hot at the same time. She can sew, she can write and she is hilarious with out even knowing it. She loves us and has done a fantastic job in raising my sister, my brother and me. She's beautiful and talented and I hope to be JUST LIKE HER when I grow up! The only thing that I will do is COME VISIT MY DAUGHTER MORE OFTEN when she moves away. I'm just sayin', ANONYMOUS -- my mom hasn't been to my house since LAST February ... over a YR ago. Just sayin' .....
Ok friends, that's all! I hope that you enjoyed the question and answer post and it wasn't too boring! I have a cool post tomorrow of a little project I did!
Peace OUT!
Posted by
2:36 PM
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I bet if you sent your mom a round trip airline ticket she could come visit. I bet your Mom works really hard taking care of everybody and would love to have a few days off so she could come visit and get sand between her toes. I know your Mom is very proud of all her children.
$59 each way from AirTran -- anonymous -- I will book if Mom will confirm dates! BOO YAH!
ya'll are funny...just make sure the dates are not Oct 8 - 12 ;)
LOVED this and loved learning more about you :)
I so loved reading this post and learning more about you. Dang girl, we DO have a lot in common. Your dream job is my dream job! :) And the whole GA thing is crazy. I grew up in Canton/Holly SPrings and went to Reinhardt! ha ha
Anyway... hope all is well! :)
I am SO with you on the reality tv as my guilty pleasure! I can't believe how into other people's lives I can get! The Housewives are crazy! :) I love it and I love Bridezillas! Thanks for answering!!! :)
ah, yes...i remember the day i walked in to your closet at the mall!
Ohh these were some good questions I learned a lot about you:0)
I changed the name of my blog and accidently deleted my followers grrr! Can you come back over and follow me again? Thanks darlin!!
You crack me up! Yes, I will come visit sometime soon. I can promise that!
Mom loves Mr. Brock's music too. She's a country girl. She'd love a birthday song from him!!! ;-) Maybe we could do a skype for her. We have plenty of time to work out the details. He has to wear the cowboy hat though!!! :-)
Chat with ya soon! My 30th birthday was yesterday so I've not been blogging much!!!
This was very fun, I think I might have to do something like this for my readers too. It would be interesting to see what types of questions they come up with!
It was great to learn more about you!
I loved reading all your answers and learning more about you. The baked brie sounds SOOOO good and I do love some Malibu Rum. :) I used to take a shot of it before a date if I was feeling nervous. Ha Ha. If you're ever in San Antonio, let me know. We'll meet for a cocktail.
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