Sunday, October 4, 2009

Birthday Wish List .....

I'm so pathetic .... I can't think of ANYTHING to put on my birthday * wish * list for Big Daddy except that perfume I blogged about last week.

I am either TRULY blessed or boring ..... I'm going w/BLESSED.

I do need a colander .... seriously, a flippin' colander.

I just can't think of anything that I want so badly that I remember to tell anyone - or maybe I do and I just can't remember! ARGH!


Kali Morgan said...

You should put a plane ticket to Australia on that birthday list. :)

Anonymous said...

You are for sure not boring! You are one lucky gal too...maybe you will come up with the perfect thing to ask for. I am hitting Dave up for a camera. We'll see, I'll probably just have to end up buying it for my self {haha} Hope you have a great day! = )

Shawn said...

I have an extra colander for you...let me go take the sock out of it and it' all yours!

Jill said...

Happy early Birthday. You are not boring! It's great to have everything you need and be happy with it.

Southern Champagne Wishes said...

I can never think of anything I want or need when I have a birthday. It's the rest of the year, when I come up with all kinds of things!

Maybe you will think of a little something special.

AndreaLeigh said...

you aren't boring! it just means you have everything you need. happy early birthday, so that I don't miss it. :)

kado! said...

i do that too! I'll go with I think we have all that we really need! ;)